LaPorte County News
New Carlisle woman facing OWI charges
KANKAKEE TWP. — A 25-year-old woman is facing multiple drunken driving charges after nearly striking a squad car with her vehicle early Sunday, according to authorities.
Stimley resigns MC Council seat to take job with city
MICHIGAN CITY – The La Porte County Democratic Party is tasked with filling an at-large seat on the Michigan City Common Council after Johnny Stimley resigned his position Tuesday.
HFL receives grant for breast cancer screenings
La PORTE — The Healthcare Foundation of La Porte (HFL) has received a grant from the Indiana Breast Cancer Awareness Trust (IBCAT) that will fund 50 screening mammograms through the Breast Cancer Project of La Porte.
Area Briefs
New Prairie School Board to meet
Deputies to conduct sobriety checkpoints
La PORTE — Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over. That’s the important reminder coming from the La Porte County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) with two of the heaviest drinking events of the year around the corner: St. Patrick’s Day and the…
Residents reminded of need for Real ID
MICHIGAN CITY — Michigan City Police are reminding that beginning this fall, a new form of identification will be needed to board airlines or enter certain federal buildings.
NICTD plans public meetings on Double Track project
MICHIGAN CITY — The Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District, operator of the South Shore Line railroad,will host a series of public meeting as the Double Track Northwest Indiana project moves forward.
Church Briefs
All listings must be submitted in writing by noon Thursday for inclusion in Saturday’s Church Briefs. Listings may be emailed to
Thousands sign petition to save Indiana Beach
MONTICELLO — “I have fond childhood memories with my family at Indiana Beach. We loved going and seeing the fireworks every summer and I want my children to experience what I was able to.”