Dems choose Zygas for MC council seat
MICHIGAN CITY — Dalia Zygas beat out eight other candidates at a Democratic Caucus on Saturday for the Michigan City Common Council seat formerly held by Johnny Stimley.
MICHIGAN CITY — Dalia Zygas beat out eight other candidates at a Democratic Caucus on Saturday for the Michigan City Common Council seat formerly held by Johnny Stimley.
VALPARAISO –The Porter County Sheriff’s Office is seeking public assistance in locating two wanted subjects, one of whom may be in the Michigan City area.
MICHIGAN CITY — Tess Pavloff has loved her job teaching kindergartners at Edgewood Elementary School for the past 19 years.
Solid Waste District office closing
MICHIGAN CITY – As cities and counties continue to implement new restrictions to combat the COVID-19 outbreak, a second Indiana person has died from the virus.
La PORTE – La Porte County Commission President Sheila Matias announced Tuesday that all county buildings will be closed to the public effective immediately.
La PORTE – To minimize the spread of COVID-19, area hospitals have put visitor restrictions in place.
Blue Chip Casino closed two weeks
La PORTE — The COVID-19 pandemic has officially reached La Porte County, as a city of La Porte resident has contracted the virus currently wreaking havoc across the globe.