Worship at The Presbyterian Church of La Porte
La PORTE — On Sunday Rev. Peggy Huston will preach from the text on the walk to Emmaus with the sermon “Broken Hope,” live at 9:30 a.m. CST on the church’s Facebook page, PresbyterianChurchof LaPorte.
La PORTE — On Sunday Rev. Peggy Huston will preach from the text on the walk to Emmaus with the sermon “Broken Hope,” live at 9:30 a.m. CST on the church’s Facebook page, PresbyterianChurchof LaPorte.
MICHIGAN CITY — With a health disaster taking place across the nation, hospital employees are working harder than ever.
Bonus food distribution in La Porte
INDIANASPOLIS – Indiana health officials on Friday added 35 coronavirus deaths to the state’s total, bringing it to 741, and said the total is likely even higher.
INDIANAPOLIS — More than half a million people in Indiana have applied for unemployment benefits over the past five weeks as job losses mount over the coronavirus pandemic.
WESTVILLE – What Indiana Department of Correction officials are calling a “disturbance” – and others a riot – left a correctional officer injured Wednesday at the Westville Correctional Facility.
WESTVILLE – What Indiana Department of Correction officials are calling a “disturbance” – and others a riot – left a correctional officer injured Wednesday at the Westville Correctional Facility.
MICHIGAN CITY – The mother of a baby girl who suffered a catastrophic injury last year pleaded guilty in exchange for a 25-year sentence Thursday.
La PORTE — With most churches observing a hiatus in worshipping in their buildings while social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, at least one local church has found new ways to continue some of its vital tasks and joys.
INDOT to host virtual career fair