Rev. Hying: No child is ever unwanted
MICHIGAN CITY – No shame. No blame. No names.
MICHIGAN CITY – No shame. No blame. No names.
MICHIGAN CITY – Inspection season has officially begun, so local businesses can expect the engine companies and tower crew from the Michigan City Fire Department to pop in soon and take a look around.
NEW CARLISLE — New Prairie Schools have welcomed a new Food Service Director who is changing local expectations of the look of cafeteria food.
CHESTERTON – Police say a man was arrested on multiple drunk driving charges after being involved in a crash on an I-94 ramp that he initially blamed on a cat.
All listings must be submitted in writing by noon Thursday for inclusion in Saturday’s Church Briefs. Listings may be emailed to
La PORTE — In an effort to reduce prescription drug abuse and waste, the La Porte County Sheriff’s Department and a group of area high school students from La Porte County, are teaming up on National Prescription Drug Take Back…
Week at a glance at the La Porte County Public Library, 904 Indiana Ave.
Bill supporting fertility fraud victims heads to governor
MICHIGAN CITY – All public parks and playgrounds in Michigan City – including the beach at Washington Park – could be smoke-free by summer if 5th Ward Councilwoman Sharon Carnes’ smoking ban is approved by the Common Council.
SOUTH BEND – A former Michigan City resident will spend nearly six years in federal prison after pleading guilty to committing a series of five armed robberies in nine days in St. Joseph County, according to federal prosecutors.