Area Briefs
Stress-free money management classes offered
Stress-free money management classes offered
MICHIGAN CITY – Michigan City Area Schools will reopen for instruction on Aug. 12, but whether students physically attend school will be based on family choice, and the level of coronavirus spread in the community.
MICHIGAN CITY – A man whom the police chief called a “dangerous individual” is behind bars after a series of attempted sexual assaults Thursday morning on the west side.
PORTER – Authorities are releasing very few details about the reported sexual assault of a girl last weekend at the Indiana Dunes National Park.
INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana’s statewide community resource referral agency, Indiana 211, is now part of the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, making it easier to get the resources you need, and soon to include help in recovering from the CO…
MICHIGAN CITY — The COVID-19 pandemic has cost people their jobs and incomes, but one local agency is offering several types of assistance to help families get through it.
PORTAGE – A Portage woman told police that she should be allowed to go home because she worked at the Indiana State Prison, but that didn’t stop her from being arrested on a drunken driving charge, according to authorities.
La PORTE — Women in Leadership of La Porte County (WILL) has announced that their July speaker, via Zoom, will be Blair Milo, Indiana’s Secretary of Career Connections and Talent.
Hahn promoted to the rank of Sergeant