Live ISSMA marching band events canceled due to pandemic
INDIANAPOLIS — In the wake of rising COVID-19 infection numbers, the Indiana State School Music Association (ISSMA) has canceled all 2020 ISSMA Live Marching Band events.
INDIANAPOLIS — In the wake of rising COVID-19 infection numbers, the Indiana State School Music Association (ISSMA) has canceled all 2020 ISSMA Live Marching Band events.
MERRILLVILLE — The next phase of NIPSCO’s transition to lower-cost, cleaner energy resources will be the addition of two new solar farms based in central Indiana, the company said in a press release Friday.
WESTVILLE — On July 2 the Westville Lions met for their July meeting. The meeting was at Lion Butch and Rhonda Weston’s house. It was a decent turn out despite the hot and humid temperatures. The meeting was called to…
Saturday’s Hobie race is cancelled
La PORTE — At the last Door Village Lions Board of Director’s Meeting members voted to donate one half of the $300 refund they received from the Lions District 25A Annual Convention to the La Porte Salvation Army Food Bank,…
MICHIGAN CITY — Effective Friday at 12:01 a.m., Washington Park will close to the public once again as a result of recent spikes in coronavirus cases and deaths, and an influx of out-of-state visitors.
La PORTE — A Michigan City native who practices law in La Porte announced Friday his intention to run for the State Senate seat currently held by Republican Mike Bohacek.
MICHIGAN CITY – After two weeks of investigation, a suspect in the fatal shooting of a La Porte man on July 4 near Washington Park was taken into custody by state conservation officers.
MICHIGAN CITY — Citing the city’s lack of preparedness to continue normal operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, a Common Council member is calling for the establishment of a substantial rainy day fund.