Lake County News
EDITORIAL: Portage chief, school officials should cooperate like adults for good of schoolchildren
A fever pitch of political bickering is nothing new in our society.
WALTER WILLIAMS: South Africa question
South Africa has been thrown into the news because of President Donald Trump’s recent tweet that he instructed his secretary of state to “closely study” alleged land seizures from white farmers in South Africa.
GUEST COMMENTARY: No free rides: Behavior determines success in college
One of three college freshmen beginning their higher education experience this fall will not return for their sophomore year.
SUPER-COUPONING: Readers share stories of coupon and smart-shopping savings
I always enjoy hearing how you’re saving with coupons. That little thrill you feel when you’ve put a deal together can be very exciting – especially when you consider that you may have also stocked up on an item, and…
ONE WOMAN’S WORLD: Immigration, a bad penny that always turns up
In announcing his candidacy for president, then-candidate Donald Trump hit the immigration issue hard and he has not let up.
GUEST COMMENTARY: ’Tis the season for Trump’s tariffs
According to a report by Criteo, the holiday shopping season is beginning earlier and earlier. In 2017 alone, most major retailers — including Walmart, Target and Best Buy — initiated holiday marketing strategies in October. This early sales engagement…
GUEST COMMENTARY: John McCain’s best legacy
United States Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., Vietnam War hero and POW, 2008 Republican presidential nominee, committed but pragmatic conservative legislator, has concluded a remarkable career with the grace of his departure. He was hardly a saint, but unli…
GUEST COMMENTARY: Trump’s Dirty Power Plan risks lives to bail out the coal industry
The Trump administration’s Dirty Power Plan is an illegal giveaway to the struggling coal industry that will result in the deaths of thousands of Americans and exacerbate the worst effects of the climate crisis.