Reuters Video: Breakingviews

Breakingviews TV: IMF checked

Global growth forecasts are down again, and central bankers and even finance ministers are up against the limits of what they can do. Trade wars conducted by presidents and prime ministers are beyond the scope of the financiers’ powers, as Swaha Pattan…

Breakingviews TV: China gamble

Oct 18 – All’s quiet in Macau as protests rock neighbouring Hong Kong. The sparsely populated casino hub is gambling on closer ties with China and its tourists to help, but Katrina Hamlin and Robyn Mak discuss how that leaves it dangerously exposed to …

Breakingviews TV: Brexit deal

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has an agreement for the country to leave the European Union. But Peter Thal Larsen explains that the concessions he made will make striking new trade deals harder. And whether Parliament will back his Brexit plan is too…

Breakingviews TV: Zuck ad woes

Running political campaign messages accounts for a tiny sliver of Facebook’s revenue, but generates a welter of bad publicity. Jennifer Saba argues that the smart thing for the social media firm’s boss, Mark Zuckerberg, to do is to avoid showing politi…

Breakingviews TV: Fouled out

The NBA is under pressure from Beijing over an executive’s support for Hong Kong protests. Pete Sweeney and Clara Ferreira Marques discuss what went wrong, and whether American basketball can figure out a way to stay in China.

Breakingviews TV: PG&E dimmed

The California utility’s shareholders just got dinged again. The bankruptcy judge let creditors file a rival restructuring plan that gives more to wildfire victims – and less to equity owners. Robert Cyran explains how this shifts power in what will pr…

Breakingviews TV: Park strife

Viacom’s animated series “South Park” joined the host of U.S. companies apologizing to China for expressing political views. Some are more sincere than others. Jennifer Saba explains what’s at stake for companies trying to balance strong views with a n…

Breakingviews TV: Health check

American healthcare matters to voters, but the options are wide-ranging. President Trump’s vision of more private sector involvement jars with Democratic proposals for more government-funded coverage. Investors seem to expect something closer to the la…