Reuters Video: Breakingviews

Breakingviews TV: Fink it over

John Foley explains why Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman may try to reunite his private-equity firm with passive-investing giant BlackRock after 25 years apart – and why Goldman Sachs’s David Solomon may also be interested. BlackRock boss Larry Fink has…

Breakingviews TV: Macau’s bet

Dec 20 – As the tiny territory marked the 20th anniversary of its return to Chinese control, President Xi Jinping urged the gambling hub to move beyond baccarat. Mooted plans to grow its financial sector seem ambitious, but might just pay off, Katrina …

Breakingviews TV: Buyout blues

A $1 trillion market for sliced-and-diced loans known as CLOs has fueled a host of private-equity deals, but a weakening economy could throw grit in the wheels. If companies get riskier, and buyers get more demanding, the buyout boom could blow a gaske…

Breakingviews TV: Lebanon lows

The Levant country has lost its government, has people protesting on the streets and rating agency Fitch has just shunted its debt further into junk territory. Anna Szymanski explains what’s causing all the trouble and discusses whether an IMF bailout …

Breakingviews TV: Not WeWorking

The debacle that was the aborted WeWork initial public offering came with plenty of lessons for other would-be IPO candidates, technology investors and advisers. Richard Beales highlights some of the most salient messages drawn from a new Breakingviews…