2020 Indiana 1st District Congressional Race Shows Significant Shift

According to the 2021 Vook PVI Report the 2020 district 1 race shows significant change in values and political affiliation within the district. The Cook PVI shows a previous rating of D+8 compared to the new rating of D+4. The significant decrease in support for Democrats in a traditionally Democrat leaning district is a hard sign to ignore. As support has transfered to Libertarian and Republican candidates it would seem to be a matter of time that a real possibility for victory would be strongly in favor of Libertatian and Republican candidates in future races within the district.

Given recent events in the Red and Gold waves that have swept the country earlier this week and the epic decrease in support for Democrats it is only logical that Hoosiers and Americans are waking up to supporting values that concern them and their families instead of taking it on the chin. District 1 has a significant amount [f minority voters and this decrease in Democrat support shows a huge move in those minority voters moving to support other parties that support the values of those minority voters.