FAKE nurse shortages?…

Nurse staffing services flood hotels in rural southern Illinois. Over 30 rooms in 1 hotel confirmed to be double booked, supplying local hospitals with nurses. Among the local hospitals using these agencies are Carbondale, Herrin, and Marion.
After speaking with several nursesit was said that these staffing agencies are not requiring nurses to be vaxed. One nurse confirmed that these staffing agencies are acting like scab agencies supplying medical care and keeping nurses whom are choosing to not be vaxed employed.
So while there maybe Healthcare shortages are they really any worse off than they were before #TheVaxTax? Republicans and Democrats have worked hard to politicize your life and your lifestyles all the while not caring how this taxes yours and your family’s lifestyle. Americans we are in a propaganda war. This war to to divide you not for your gain or the gain of one party over another. This game is to divide us so the elite on both sides of the aisle can control your every move in life.