Month: April 2020

Futures File: Oil rebounds

On Monday, oil prices plunged below $20 per barrel for the first time since 2002, trading as low at $19.27 as concerns about a slower global economy and the ongoing Saudi-Russian production war continued.

WALTER WILLIAMS: Managing a disaster

I’m not sure whether COVID-19, first identified in Wuhan, China, in the U.S. qualifies as a true disaster. Putting the disease in perspective, we might look at current influenza illnesses. According to Centers for Disease Control estimates, between Oct…


“Getting that jackass out of office” is the lofty, idealistic goal of Democrat candidate Sabrina Haake (Times Forum, Dec. 29, 2019), referring, naturally, to President Trump. And while Ms. Haake’s recent Forum attack on the President’s coronavirus resp…


As John Locke once wrote: ” … where the body of the people, or any single man, is deprived of their right, or is under the exercise of a power without right, and have no appeal on earth, then they…