NIN Reporter Threatened with Arrest for Covering Story of Public Intrest During CoViD 19 Crisis

South Bend Indiana Police Sargent Paul Daley tries to chill the freedom of the press of one of our journalists on the frontlines gathering essential information of what is happening in your community in this time of crisis.
Daley can be heard demanding our citizen journalist to get in his car and leave because he doesnt have a press pass. Not that press isnt essential but because he does not have a press badge. Badges are generated by the media organization themselves not the government or an oversight group of any kind. A badge means nothing other than a chance to ID him for retaliation purposes.

Every citizen who has information to share and publish for public intrest is press. This is well defined and established. The South Bend Police Dept. and Sargent Daley can look forward to a civil rights suit for violation of rights without arrest under prior restraint. If the South Bend Police Dept. would like to rectify this issue and send a statement to us stating that our reporter will no longer be messed with and have his rights violated in the future in these circumstances we would accept that at We would concider that enough to rectify any violation made against us as a news agency.
Anyone that would like to redress their government in this matter can do so at:
South Bend Police Department
701 W Sample St, South Bend, IN 46601
(574) 235-9201