Month: June 2019

ONE WOMAN’S WORLD: We are outraged again

We saw the pictures; children in cages. We heard the stories; children separated from parents. We were appalled at the predictions made by doctors and counselors; most of these children will suffer long-term traumatic effects from the conditions to whi…

WALTER WILLIAMS: Reparations for slavery

Several Democratic presidential hopefuls are calling for Americans to make reparations for slavery. On June 19, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties held a hearing. Its stated purpose was “to examine, t…

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: A war worth fighting

What war is worth fighting? That has been a debatable question since our Founding Fathers decided the Revolution was worth it. Other wars followed, and today many armed and aggrieved nations threaten our national interests. We need to revisit the…

LAURA HOLLIS: Moscow in the Valley

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe has released another damning video and leaked documents with further evidence of the extent to which tech lefties will go to deprive Americans of free speech and access to information.