Gary / Lake Station Police Caught Using Excessive Force & Lying?

In the early morning hours of April 18th, 2019 our reporter Mike Strauss caught this video on camera. When the video comes on Strauss is approaching the scene on the opposite side of the road. Officers approach the suspect and seem to be using intimidation to push her from the scene and had no intent to arrest her. She can be seen turning around and heard asking to get her stuff. Officers at that time laid hands on her and pushed her backward away from the scene. She can be heard stating “why are you putting your hands on me”.
She can be heard asking the officer what his name is. He refused to answer and then proceeded by throwing her to the ground and stating “fuck with me again and see what happens”. He then while she is on the ground and already has her hands behind her back proceeds out of anger to bend her arms up in a pain compliance move and steps on the back of her skull, grinding and crushing her face into the pavement.
After asking her if she is “done resisting” while obviously fully complaint they pull her up and keep her arms in a pain compliance position. They walk her over to search her and place her in the squad car. On the way over they accuse her of spitting on them yet no evidence or actions can been seen in the video of such actions if they were to occur.
The situation went from your free to go to your the worst threat in the world when she asked what his name was. Simply asking the officers name was all it took for him to hulk out and become the aggressor. Is this the standard operating policy for the Gary police department? As seen in other videos of the department officers become very agitated very easily. over lawful activity and reasonable questions. When will our police departments be held accountable for these actions? When will this violence and corruption stop?
lake co police ofc put hands on my son last month 4 a traffic stop!b4 arresting him ask my son u kno we can make this all go away????? wat did he want?? crooked cops!!&they wonder why we treat them like we do??
I’m glad the reporter kept videoing not one thing said in article text tape didnt show she could a related to the cop pulling her hair but she didnt had u guys not caught on camera they might as said she did
If you live in Indiana, you know this is what the Police department calls proper police protocol. It is a basically we do not care about you or your Consitutional rights state.
Sad Sad SAD!!! Give em a gun and badge and they THINK theyre God almighty!!! Hold them ACCOUNTABLE for ONCE!!! So called MEN like these are the Ones who should NEVER hold the title of a police officer OR A GUN and BAGDE!!! SMH
I get it you guys like to video tape and yes you have every right to do so, But my question to you guys is, What good did you accomplish, don’t get me wrong I am very against Police brutality but really what can we do about it, it seemed like they cared less that you were video taping them. and flipping them off and cussing does no good either. there are to many of them and they all stick together, and the way people treat cops these days sometimes I don’t blame them for what they do people cussing spitting and smart mouthing them, United States Citizen.
The video tape kept the officers from doing more abuse. You see one cop stepped away and another cop backed off when they realized they were being taped. Yes I say filming definitely made a difference.
Standard operating procedures for nwi. There are good officers who perform thier job with excellence. Unfortunately they are not the norm and action needs to be taken every time officers act outside the law.
I feel if she would have cooperated with them they would not have treated her in that manner ! They only pulled her hair because she was spitting on them to hold her head back ! They don’t know if she has Hepatitis or HIV who wants someone’s saliva on them !? You have to obey the law ! In this case I don’t think this was police Brutality! That’s my opinion and I don’t care who don’t agree !
This was me and my girlfriend..It all started when I told the officer we were coming from Down town Chicago.He called for back up and demanded me to get out the car asking me “where’s the gun?”.I asked him how does a traffic infraction turns into where’s the gun.We are looking for someone who can help us tell our story and help us get justice for violating our rights.
Marvin I was in touch with her but you can also call me at 219-230-6446
They did me like this Gary for you smdh
Not only was there no excessive force by the police but your ignorant and rude reporter needs his ass kicked.
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